2/23:24 I made a few changes to the comms page, adding more, newer example works. I also updated my age, as my birthday was a little while ago. Made scratch project:

Anyways it's a playlist of a few songs I scrounged up. Whatever. i need to finish up this game I'm working on. I need to find a way to make the sprites without my Apple pencil I guess... Damn...

Aside from that, the coding is done (finally). I'm prideful over it.
I also made a Homestuck askblog due to lack of control

See here

That's all for now
Removed music, looked awkward in the corner like that. Might try to add more to the site, it looks a little bit empty.
Silly little thing I made to scrawl out thoughts, progresses, accomplishments (as far as coding goes), etc.
Kinda just posterboards of thought, and after a certain number of notes, I'll probably just... Delete them, all except for this one, obviously.
You know, these are suppoed to scroll. I hope I write enough for it to do that.
I'll probably hang on to really important notes though. They'll matter to me, after all. Evetually.